I’m a passionate believer in the power of newsletters, in this article, Newsletter Tips and Tricks, I look at some of the key issues to take into consideration.
The value of Newsletters
Digital Newsletters maintain contact with existing customers and can build awareness with potential new ones. They are among the most cost effective marketing tools.
Unlike many tools available, they help you cover several marketings areas;
- Proactively update customers and prospects on your skills, capability and products
- Share industry information
- Make announcements
- Maintain awareness with customers and prospects
- Build brand awareness

Getting Started
The Database
A Digital Newsletter campaign is useless if you don’t have a relevant and accurate database to email it to. Ideally, you should have a database of your existing customers and one of prospects.
Web-Clubs can help you clean up your own data as well as providing a suitably targeted prospect audience.
Style and Layout
Adopt a familiar layout and style. Be consistent in your logo positioning and use of colour and typefaces.
Use multiple columns for readability.

Digital Newsletters Tips
- Adopt a regular mailing date, ideally every 4 or 6 weeks
- Aim for one main topic per issue
- Enhance with images and diagrams
- Keep it brief, easy to digest and to the point
- Be interesting and informative
- Link to your website for more information
- Only gently promote your services and products
- Include company news and other interesting updates
- Present your business, make it personal / unique to you
- Summarise what you do in a consistent footer/sidebar
Digital Newsletters Avoids
- Don’t just copy available content from the internet or trade bodies, make it yours
- Avoid temptation to ask for name and email
- Don’t be verbose, keep it brief, easy to digest and to the point
- Avoid the temptation to blatantly advertise, keep those separate
- Don’t kill performance, minimise the file size