Marketing Tips
Formulating your marketing strategy and deciding which tools to use has never been easy. Now, with the advent of the internet and many more tools, it’s got a lot more challenging. Establishing an effective online presence on your website and social media is hard enough, but this is just a start, you then need to choose the right tools to drive traffic to it.
To help you on your way, the B2B Club (part of Web-Clubs) and some guest contributors are sharing their marketing knowledge in these posts.
If you have an article you would like to share, please get in touch with us.
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Useful Marketing Tips and Articles from the Web-Clubs Team and Contributors
Here you can find articles to help you develop your marketing strategy. As a general tip, before talking to any marketing professional, think about what you offer, your strengths and the market you want to reach. Doing a Selfie or SWOT of your business is a good first step. By doing homework you are much more likely to adopt the right marketing strategy and so save money.