Email Marketing Pricing Schemes
Email marketing pricing is based on the emailing volume, emailing frequency and the billing model. Our E-Local program is a useful low investment method of testing the effectiveness of a campaign on a limited audience. If this is then extended, we will calculate the cost based on the total send volume.
For a quick quote, either contact us, or use the online submission form
Billing models:
CPM (Cost per Thousand)
Straightforward cost per thousand emails sent, our most popular model.
CPA (Cost Per Action)
E.G. Form submission, Newsletter sign up, Online Registration.
CPA (Cost Per Acquisition)
CPA can also refer to sale made through eCommerce.
CPC (Cost per Click)
Interpretation varies, most commonly it refers to a simple click to a website or landing page, but it can be more.
CPL (Cost per Lead)
Typically relates to completing a contact form or a combination of the above (so called hybrid model)

Our E-Local program is a turnkey email marketing answer to contacting local consumers or businesses. The package include email artwork design, sending to a targeted local audience, repeat send and a campaign report. We will advise you on strategy and subject line selection. Prices start at £395.
E-local is also an ideal tool for larger companies for test marketing.